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The Felicity App
The Felicity App is a web and mobile application aiming to support student productivity with an evidence-based approach using psychological interventions. Involving 100+ students across the world, Felicity supports the community through translating research into publicly accessible personal management tools accompanying psychological interventions in procrastination, motivation, well-being, and psychological capital.

Figure 1. Personal management tools seen in the current prototype of the Felicity App, where features are integrated to for smooth user experience including the to-do list, calendar, and a pomodoro timer
Beyond the integrated management tools and interventions, smart workflows provide seamless customization according to the needs and mood of the user via daily check-ins. All interventions have undergone extensive critical appraisal with international advisors and experts across the world as well. With a preliminary prototype, Felicity has already been recognized by global stakeholders and has an estimated trajectory of reaching over 200,000 students across Canada.

Figure 2. With a minimalistic interface, Felicity has an anticipated launchdate in late August with further modifications set in late fall to finetune user experiences according to market research
Upon its highly-anticipated launch in late August, Felicity plans to revolve its operations around the expansion of its usage across several populations for both academic and daily tasks. With three major departments, ten teams, and two advisory boards, the Felicity App discerns its deliverables through in-depth analyses of interventions in research fields of motivation, procrastination, learning strategies, psychological capital, and well-being.

Figure 3. The Felicity App currently involves over 100 students across the world in three departments and fourteen teams including psychological research, business/administration, frontend/backend development, and UI/UX.
For more information on our current intervention research, check out:
Learning strategies
Psychological Capital
Learning strategies
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