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To provide students with practical experiences within a learning space, STREAM Syndicate provides multidisciplinary events with social aspects to enrich student learning throughout the year across Canada. Each event focuses on various fields including sciences, technology, reading, engineering, arts and mathematics. Our events include:
STREAMinar: Health and Society
Virtual - Dec 19
STREAMinar was a health and society seminar held via zoom to over 80 participants, and consisted of multiple speakers experienced in the humanities, specifically in the realm of COVID-19 and health and safety. Hearing from epidemiologists to graduate students, UofT professors and medical illustrators, STREAM attempted to expose the different aspects of society that were all working together in the fight against COVID-19, and how intertwined the humanities, as well as other fields, are with it.
STREAMHacks Virtual 24-Hour Hackathon
Virtual - Aug 14 - 15
STREAMHacks received over 100+ registered hackers in 5 different countries and 18 technological solutions within 24 hours. This virtual hackathon was dedicated to tackling environmental issues with technological solutions by the student community. Amidst COVID-19, the environment has gradually improved with the reduction of human activity and interference. During this era of technology, STREAM Syndicate connected students to work unanimously towards implementing technological solutions.
STREAM Syndicate provided educational resources, opportunities and platforms including:
Prize pool such as Fit bit Inspire, Apple BeatsX Earphones, Logitech G203 mouse, Logitech G213, Arduino Starter Kits, $50 amazon gift cards
Speakers discussing environmental studies, stress management, mental health maintenance, pre-med success, cellular agriculture, gene editing to improve carbon sinks within plants, and sustainability
Workshops such as an intro to HTML, CSS, & Python

Rethink: Mental Health Conference
Vancouver, British Columbia - Sept 21, 2019 from 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Alongside Rehumanity Foundation, STREAM Syndicate led a national campaign on mental health across provinces from Ontario to British Columbia. Students from over 25 academic institutions were involved with promoting awareness on mental health while reducing stigma through sharing personal experiences, working within interactive workshops, and learning from guest speakers.

Rethink Conference
Linked Key Fundraiser
Vancouver, British Columbia - Sept 21, 2019 from 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
STREAM Syndicate fundraised for student educational programs by partnering with Linked Key to sell an assortment of confectionary goods to the local students at the academic centre. Additionally, STREAM Syndicate provided a myriad of student opportunities including recent programs, resources, and platforms.

Linked Key
STREAM Art Gala: The Potential of Education
Markham - Aug 3, 2019 from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
With a focus on art, the STREAM art gala advocates for arts in education and provided a platform for talent across Ontario. STREAM Syndicate upheld the key focus on the significance of integrating the arts for holistic education. From mental health to self-expression, this event empowered students to showcase what true education and learning meant to them.
Throughout the art gala, performances included:​
Breakdancing, abstract, lucid, hip-hop and other dance forms
Acoustic singing featuring guitar and various instruments
Visual arts including realism paintings and other art forms
Spoken word within themes of mental health and overcoming various challenges including eating disorders
Exhibitions, displays, and booths of local and community organizations included:
Peanut Butter & Jelly Dance Company
Artwork displays from the community
The Sculpture Group
Rehumanities Foundation